Fukushima Unit 3 Meltdown Rumor Explained:
As originally posted on Madtown Preppers, the "Steam Explosion" at Fukushima Unit 3 has been greatly debated. We have updated the original post with the latest info.
Reactor Unit #3 is Hot, but probably not in meltdown.
HHS orders 14 million units of Potassium Iodide.
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Editor's Note: This pic is from March, 2011 - via fukushimadiary.com: [Mochizuki Cheshire Iori's Photos A lot of people ask about the "steam"coming up from reactor3. As Fukushima Diary has reported, this "steam" has been observed almost everyday since this July". (http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/07/steaming-reactor3-thermography-shows-the-steaming-area-is-over-15%E2%84%83-hotter-than-atmosphere/) (http://fukushima-diary.com/2013/09/tepco-not-to-investigate-nor-take-countermeasures-for-reactor3-steam-anymore/)] |
HHS Orders 14 Million Doses of Potassium Iodide
On December 6th the US Department of Health and Human Services put a solicitation notice on
the Federal Business Opportunities (FBO) website for 14 million 65 mg
doses of Potassium Iodide, the standard treatment protocol for someone
exposed to high levels of radiation. As a stipulation of this
solicitation, which gets bid on by registered contractors, the HHS
requires the 14 million doses to be delivered by the end of January. In
other words, the HHS needs enough doses of Potassium Iodide to treat 14
million Americans by the end of January!
The Devil is in the details
The primary use for Potassium Iodide is used for treating, as well as minimizing damaging effects from, radiation poisoning. The area of the human body that are most-sensitive to radiation exposure are the thyroid gland. It absorbs the radiation like a wet sponge.Potassium Iodide is a salt-stable form of Iodine that isn’t radioactive, but will still be absorbed by the thyroid
gland the same way that radioactive Iodine would be. Immediately after exposure, if given larger doses of Potassium Iodide, one can fill the thyroid gland up to the point that it is unable to absorb an damaging doses of radiation, or greatly reduced amounts anyway. While this offers some comfort, it still cannot prevent initial damage, or help in reducing damage to other areas of the body. So really, when one thinks of Potassium Iodide as being a “shield” against radiation poisoning, it’s really only a shield like one would imagine a dinner plate would be a shield against a shot-gun blast. Yeah, if you hold it over the important stuff, you might end up better than you would have without it but your still going to get rocked.
If bad metaphors haven’t helped you imagine all that Potassium Iodide can do for you, check out the official CDC website. Since Potassium Iodide is the official course of treatment for populations in danger zones of radiation the CDC has all sorts of information regarding it’s uses and the reasoning behind it. I think it’s right next to their zombie-preparedness page. So, if the government were, for whatever reason, expecting to treat a large number of people for radiation poisoning, they would be planning on doing it with Potassium Iodide.
Fukushima concerns “poison” the mainstream
For those of us that keep up with current events, when we hear radiation poisoning, many of our minds wander to recall what we’ve been hearing regarding the situation at Fukushima’s Daiichi reactor III. With recent reports of the crew aboard the USS Ronald Reagan suffering from horrible radiation poisoning symptoms, it seems reasonable to assume all is not as well as the Japanese Government would have the international community believe. The sailors are suffering from much more than “mild” poisoning; one woman describing her symptoms as a 6 month long menstrual-cycle accompanied by 60 pound weight swings on a monthly basis.Reports of the situation at Daiichi 3 being much more grave, than publicly acknowledged by the Japanese Gov’t and TEPCO, have been rushing into the alternative news community since the reactor began to destabilize. As a whole however, few of the mainstream reports have straye away from the official narrative put out by the Japanese; Fukushima is under control.
However mainstream interests may have finally been piqued amidst recent reports of dead marine life covering 98% of the seafloor in some areas, elevated radiation levels on the US west coast, and China’s refusal to buy shellfish from US west coast bays suddenly. One might wonder why it took these reporters to require reports of US naval officers experiencing uterine bleeding before the official narrative given by the Japanese government was questioned. Former MSNBC host Cenk Uygur, now contributer to The Young Turks, describes the resistance one meets within the press community when expressing opinions that run counter to the narrative:
“I was on MSNBC at the time when this
happened, I said, “Don’t trust what the Japanese government is saying,
they’ll say trust what the electric power company is saying. Go, go, go,
get outta there. Get as far away from that plant as you can. It’s
literally a core meltdown.” And they always don’t want people to panic,
so they were always like, “Oh it’s going to be okay.” [...] I’m like,
“You’re crazy man, don’t be anywhere near that reactor.” And I remember
at the time, of course not at The Young Turks, but on cable news, people
were like, “Hey Cenk, you know, I don’t know that you want to say that,
because the official government position is that it’s safe.” Oh, is
that the official government position? Now go explain that to the people
who served on the USS Ronald Reagan.”
Never trust the government
Reports of deadly radiation are running rampant through the alternative community, and have even begin to show their face within the mainstream. Soon, you might even catch your elderly neighbors talking about picking up some Potassium Iodide after watching a report on Fox News. Regardless, it seems that a horrible situation has been allowed to become even worse through the reluctance, and most likely down-right refusal, of TEPCO and the Japanese government to allow the full scope of the deadly truth to get into view of the international community.Governments usually respond to disasters very similarly; first move is to avoid panic. The Japanese didn’t want to panic the world, or tarnish their honor and now, as a consequence of their reluctance, Japanese citizens and international aid personal find themselves in a horrible state of being. Panic is usually avoided by keeping their citizens as blind to the truth as possible, until confrontation with the truth becomes inevitable.
The crucial question at this juncture; “would our government be reluctant about warning us of potential disaster, in an attempt to avoid panic?”
14 Million doses of Potassium Iodide say that might just be the case.
The News That Matters about the Nuclear IndustryGundersen: Very visible steam at Fukushima Unit 3 is from constant radioactive releases — Coming from hot rubble, not related to new explosion
Published: January 1st, 2014 at 4:21 pm ET
By ENENews
Fairewinds Energy Education,
Jan. 1, 2014: [...] the Internet has been flooded with conjecture
claiming that Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3 is ready to explode. Fairewinds
Energy Education has been inundated with questions about the very
visible steam emanating from Fukushima Daiichi Unit 3. [...] Hot water
vapor has been released daily by each of the four Fukushima Daiichi
nuclear power plants since the accident. We believe that is one of the
reasons TEPCO placed covers over Daiichi 4 and 1. [...] radioactive
rubble (fission products) was left in each unit [...] heat from this
ongoing decay of radioactive rubble is constantly releasing moisture
(steam) and radioactive products into the environment. [...] [Unit 3] is
still producing slightly less than 1 megawatt (one million watts) of
decay heat [...] it is creating radioactive steam [...] hot radioactive
releases [...] have occurring [sic] for the entire 33 months [...] The
difference now is that the only time we visibly notice these ongoing
releases is on the cold days [...]The Ecologist reported on this unsubstantiated rumor which was then used as a source by ‘Gizmodo. The Ecologist has now changed their original report without any notice or explanation. Here’s the original ending: “The Turner Radio Network is advising people on the West Coast of North America to”prepare for the worst” in case a meltdown of the waste fuel is in fact commencing. No official warnings have been released on either side of the Pacific.”
Here’s how it ends now: “According to a Fairewinds Energy Education posting on Facebook, the reactor is currently producing about 1 MW of heat, equivalent to 1,000 1KW electric fires, so enough to produce plenty of steam. This would provide the least worrying explanation for the steam, in that as the radioactivity continues decline so will the heat production and the volume of steam produced. If this explanation is correct, there is no reason expect any catastrophic outcome. However the steam is carrying considerable amounts of radiation into the atmosphere and represents an ongoing radiation hazard.”
See also: Gizmodo Report Claims: “Fukushima could be in the middle of another meltdown” — 300th most popular website in U.S. publishes “unsubstantiated rumor”
Facebook: Fairewinds Energy Education · 2,031 like this
Yesterday at 11:20am · #Fukushimacrisis Update: Nuclear Operators describe "Worst Case" Scenario, Location of melted #Corium Unknown
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