
Wednesday, May 30, 2012

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists? - Update

Look out for these ladies.  Pretty Rough Crowd.
UPDATE: 31.10.2012

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists? - Madtown Preppers 3.26.12

We have had some feedback and questions in regard to the govt. infiltrating FB groups, websites, and purchasing patterns of Preppers.  This is real.  I am on a few groups and blogs for Preppers (most are quite informative if you can dig through the speculation and conspiracy).  I have seen and experienced myself being "watched" or "hacked".  Part of the reason why the punks in Chicago got caught is due to a partnering with a police liaison (that makes them idiots). Ref: chicago-nato-update-molotov-cocktail - Madtown Preppers 5.19.12

For the record, 98% of the people that I actually deal with (via this site, trades, FB, work), are down to earth hard workers, positive people with 1 major Goal: Survival for Themselves, Their Family and Loved Ones.  They seek information that is guaranteed by our Constitution and many Wars/Conflicts to defend Her.
That being said, the govt also has 1 major Goal: Survival for Themselves, Their Partners and People with Power sic Money. 

Ref:  terror-threats-rising-as-fema-orders-$1B-dehydrated-food - Madtown Preppers 3.20.12
rise-of-prepper-could-its-recent-popularity-cause-problems-preppers Madtown Preppers 3.13.12

With the onset of Doomsday Preppers (NatGeo), Disaster Preppers (TV), and many other shows taking advantage of the Prepper Movement, prepping supplies have decreased while speculation of TEOTWAKI has fueled many marketing/speculating Dollars (freakin Wal Mart has a Prepper section).  One TV show that DID get it right a few years ago on Discovery THE COLONY  a reality TV Survivor show based in post Katrina NO.  Well done and pretty accurate in my opinion.

Now they are taking advantage of the situation by slowly taking away our rights and property to keep everything calm.  

Preppers Are Now Considered To Be Potential Terrorists? - Madtown Preppers

   consequence-of-doomsday-preppers - Madtown Preppers

Executive Order 3/16/12 National Defense Resources Preparedness - Madtown Preppers

   doomsday-preppers-sends-man-to-prison -
With all this light on us, let's not drop the ball and give in to the hype.  Prepping is a lifestyle.  Every Day.  A little here, a little there, constant planning and re-planning.  May I mention endless amount of Focus to maintain these goals. STAY FOCUSED and POSITIVE.

Thanks for the feedback and support.  Join this site and post your comments or on FB Madtown Preppers

"There is no Spoon."

For those of you interested in seeing the Executive Order w/o going, hard copies are available..................

Jun 09, 2012
fema-concentration-camps - It's deeper than I thought. These camps are nearly operational, have railroads and airports nearby. WAAAAAY past shovel-ready at this point. Mostly located within bases or former ...
Oct 16, 2012
FEMA has now offered to pick up the tab of at least $50 million dollars, to install disaster shelters in and around Houston that, according to the manufacturer, (ABC Domes based out of Sealy – Division of Golden Sands ...
May 16, 2012
Just Discovered - FEMA Field Manual for US Detainees - FM 39.4. I've heard about the evidence of docs being out there that show our "boys" are getting prepared to "help" us on a LARGE scale. Most of my experience with ...

1 comment:

  1. See, how quickly things change and people react.

    Pretty scary sometimes.....
