Wednesday, September 30, 2015

Zero-Waste Grocery Store Has No Packaging, Plastic Or Big-Name Brands | Ready Nutrition

Zero-Waste Grocery Store Has No Packaging, Plastic Or Big-Name Brands

It’s here and it’s being claimed “The first zero-waste grocery store in the world”. A zero-waste grocery store recently opened its doors in Germany and everyone should get excited.
80% of items sold in supermarkets is wrapped in toxic packaging. In effect, Americans still produce near 3 pounds of trash every day, and this is a big problem. So what could be an intelligent solution?
How about a zero-waste grocery store that utilizes no waste materials.

To eliminate food-packaging waste before it even gets into the shopping cart is the success behind Original Unvertpackt, a new supermarket in Germany that takes things into zero-waste territory by encouraging consumers to tote reusable containers to the store.
Nothing that comes in a disposable box, bag, jar, or other container is sold at this store.
And instead of shelf after shelf of boxed items, this supermarket utilizes bulk bins, attractively displayed produce that’s not shrink wrapped or stored in tetra packs, and beverage stations for refillable water bottles.

Saturday, July 4, 2015

Countdown to Preparedness by Jim Cobb - Gear Review | survivehive

Gear Review – Countdown to Preparedness the Book

5 / 5 stars      
Countdown to Preparedness Book Review - Survivehive
Countdown to Preparedness - The Book Review via

Why I’m reviewing a book

I’ll tell you right now, for someone who likes to write, and read articles online, I am NOT a book reader. I never have been. Strange, right?

Now, that doesn’t mean I don’t see immense value in having books available to you. The Internet is an amazing resource for information, but without power, we have no Internet. It’s only smart to have some books on hand. Even though I typically pass on reading books, I have quite a few sitting on a shelf here in my office just in case. Here are some examples of what I try to keep:

Plant identification guides
First aid and medicine guides
Military field manuals
Gardening and preservation guides
To that point, I spent quite some time ensuring Survivehive is printer-friendly. Survivehive automatically hides certain parts of the page when you select print, so that only the important part is printed. I highly recommend printing any articles you see and like for offline use! If the power goes out, or your Internet connection is lost for an extended period, you’ll still have access to the information as presented!
I got off on a bit of a tangent there, and normally, I would edit that, but I feel like it’s an important point to be made: If you’re reading this, you read articles online, but you should NOT discount the value of hard-copy books, even if you are like me and rarely read them.
Now, to the point. Recently, Jim Cobb from Survival Weekly approached me to do a review on his new book “Countdown to Preparedness – The Prepper’s 52-Week Course to Total Disaster Readiness.” To be honest, I was skeptical for a few reasons:
  1. I don’t read books.
  2. I really didn’t believe that much could be accomplished in a year
  3. I have a short attention span, project here, project there, I really didn’t see myself being able to stick to a 52-week course. I figured I’m not the only one either.
I had heard good things about Jim’s writing, so I decided to give it the benefit of the doubt, and a few days later I had a package containing Jim’s book. Here’s what I thought:

Initial Impressions

They say you should never judge a book by it’s
cover, and whether that’s true or false, my initial impression was good. The book is a great size for throwing in a backpack, the cover is attractive, and it’s just a well put-together book. Flipping it over to the back, Countdown to Preparedness boasts that it will help you:
  • Learn to stock, treat, use and reuse the most important survival item of all – water.
  • Store enough food to feed your family for three months without breaking the bank.
  • Develop the emergency skills to respond effectively to any catastrophic event.
  • Fortify and protect your home with affordable and manageable DIY projects.
  • Create a prepper savings account to ensure your family’s well-being.
Well! This sounds fantastic!
I opened it up and started reading through it. The

Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Earth Changes, Plate Movements, and Quakes - What is Coming? w NancyLieder on SitPrep | USAEBN

Plate Tectonic Movement, Earthquake Uptick and Earth Changes were the Subject of the Day on Situational Preparedness on Monday.

#CalbucoLightning - View from Frutillar, southern Chile, of lava spewing from the Calbuco volcano, on April 23, 2015. AFP PHOTO/MARTIN BERNETTI

Nancy Lieder ( joins us for a Monthly Update of Earth Changes.

Our FB Post:

Excerpt from Plate Movement Discussion:
N America’s Diagonal Pull

-          N America has a flat top, and cannot roll, thus is pulled in a diagonal manner. This results in what is termed the New Madrid adjustments. This is in America’s near future, based on all the quake swarms in Oklahoma and Connecticut, and booms along the Seaway. 
-          The New Madrid adjustment, pending, will devastate the N American continent, up along the Mississippi, under the Seaway, and perhaps with some sympathetic quaking along the Eastern seaboard. 

-          Bridges on the Mississippi will rip, during this diagonal pull, as shown by the snap of the I-35 bridge in Minnesota, at the headwaters of the Mississippi. 
-          A security cam showed the bridge pulled 50 feet to the east, causing the snap. Investigators trying to figure out what caused Wednesday's massive bridge collapse are focusing on the southern end of the span. The NTSB says one part of the bridge shifted 50 feet as it fell, while other sections collapsed in place. What's getting investigators' attention is the way the southern part of the bridge fell in a video they've already examined -- recorded by a security camera near the bridge's north end -- and the way the section settled after the collapse. It appears that it has shifted approximately 50 feet to the east and when we compare that to what we've seen in the rest of the bridge -- the rest of the bridge appears to have collapsed in place.
-          Wisconsin is likewise being pulled apart, ala the booms from Clintonville through to Baraboo.


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Monday, April 20, 2015

Couple Builds Mobile Tiny House for $2k | #TinyHouseTalk

Teardrop Trailer or Canned Ham Tiny House?
6 x 12 Cargo Trailer Camper/bug out/suite build – By B. Winger | Tiny House Talk

Follow up to our TearDrop Stealth Trailer post:

Couple Build Stealth Tiny House for $2k in 5 Weeks

JUNE 20, 2014

At first we wanted a vintage canned ham trailer, but most needed too much rebuilding, then we thought about building a teardrop, but after seeing cargo trailer conversions we were sold!
We started out with a 6X 12’ cargo trailer that we bought for $1200, brought it home took out the thin plywood it had on the interior, and started from there.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Electrical Fire Explosion under Street sends Manhole cover Rocketing into the Air - Buffalo NY | WGRZ

Electrical Fire and Explosion under street sends ‪#‎ManholeCover‬ rocketing into the Air - Buffalo NY

An underground electrical fire on Tupper Street caused a series of explosions Sunday afternoon.
(Photo: WGRZ)

Unexplained cause - Probe Continues


BUFFALO, NY – National Grid Corp. hopes to learn within a few days what sparked a fire involving some underground electrical cables, which resulted in an explosion that sent a manhole cover soaring several stories in the air in downtown Buffalo on Sunday.
"They pulled all the bad cable out and it will be sent off to a lab for testing and examination," said National Grid Spokesperson Steve Brady."However, sometimes it is burned up so badly that they are not able to completely tell. But it's going to take at least a couple of days to determine before we have an answer."
Common causes generally include aged cables, excessive salt and water from a harsh winter, which can get in and deteriorate them, or even rats chewing on them, according to National Grid.
According to Brady, it is common for there to be a rapid buildup of heat and gas during a fire in an underground conduit, which is after all a confined space.
On somewhat rare occasions, there can be an explosion with enough force to move a heavy manhole cover.
Extremely rare, he says, is when a cover is sent rocketing into the air.
."In most cases what will happen when a cover comes off is it will essentially pop but maybe move a couple of inches or a couple of feet….the one we witnessed (Sunday) is, fortunately, exceedingly rare."

WGRZ - Channel 2, Buffalo Photojournalist Dave Harrington captured the loud explosion and rocketing manhole cover on video.
Check out the Graphics displayed:"Under Control" - Right.#‎WGRZ‬

(Amazing Video via WGRZ)
‪#‎ElectricalFire‬ ‪#‎Buffalo‬ ‪#‎ExplodingManhole‬

Probe Continues Into Explosion That Sent Buffalo Manhole Soaring

Monday, March 30, 2015

Survival Mindset on a New #SitPrep - Special Guest Nancy Lieder on Situational Preparedness 30.03.15 | USAEBN

A Brand New #SitPrep Podcast Tonight!!!

Nancy Lieder will be our guest for the hour to discuss How to better Prepare your Group.

SitPrep - Mondays on ‪#‎USAEBN‬
5p EST

Sunday, March 29, 2015

Seismic Alert: Strong M7.7 Earthquake strikes Papua New Guniea, prompting Tsunami Warning | USGS

Tsunami Warning Issued after M7.7 Earthquake - Papua New Guinea

The USGS has since downgraded the event to M7.5


The U.S. Geological Survey says a magnitude 7.7 #earthquake has struck in Papua New Guinea. The earthquake prompted a #tsunami warning.The USGS says the quake’s epicenter was located 33 miles (54 kilometers) southeast of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea and was at a depth of 65 kilometers. The quake hit at 3:48 p.m. PST Sunday.A tsunami alert was issued for coastal areas within 1,000 kilometers of the quake’s epicenter. There was no threat for the California coast.A tsunami alert was issued for coastal areas within 1,000 kilometers of the quake’s epicenter. There was no threat for the California coast.The USGS says the quake’s epicenter was located 33 miles (54 kilometers) southeast of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea and was at a depth of 65 kilometers. The quake hit at 3:48 p.m. PST Sunday.A tsunami alert was issued for coastal areas within 1,000 kilometers of the quake’s epicenter. There was no threat for the California coast.A tsunami alert was issued for coastal areas within 1,000 kilometers of the quake’s epicenter. There was no threat for the California coast.

A USGS map of an earthquake that hit M7.7 Earthquake (downgraded to M7.5) - Papua New Guinea. (Source: USGS)

Tectonic Summary

The March 29, 2015 M 7.5 earthquake southeast of Kokopo, Papua New Guinea, occurred as the result of thrust faulting on or near the plate boundary interface between the subducting Australia and overriding Pacific plates.  At the location of the earthquake, the Australia plate moves towards the east-northeast at a velocity of 105 mm/yr with respect to the Pacific plate, and begins its subduction into the mantle beneath New Britain and New Ireland at the New Britain Trench south of the earthquake. The moment tensor and depth of the event are consistent with thrust-type motion on the interface between these two plates. Note that at the location of the earthquake, some researchers divide the edges of the Australia and Pacific plates into several microplates that take up the overall convergence between Australia and the Pacific, including the Solomon Sea and South Bismark microplates local to this event. The Solomon Sea plate moves slightly faster and more northeasterly with respect to the Pacific plate than does Australia due to sea-floor spreading in the Woodlark Basin several hundred kilometers to the south of the March 29 earthquake, facilitating the classic subduction evident beneath New Britain and New Ireland.

The plate boundary between the Australia and Pacific plates in the Papua New Guinea region is very active seismically; 36 M 7+ events have occurred within 250 km of the March 29, 2015 earthquake over the past century. Few are known to have caused shaking-related fatalities because of the remoteness of the region, though a M 8.0 earthquake in November 2000 – one of three similarly sized events over a 2-day period – did cause several deaths. The largest nearby earthquake was an M 8.1 event, 70 km to the east of the March 29, 2015 earthquake, one of two M8+ earthquakes 140 km apart in July 1971.

USGS information on the 7.5 Magnitude earthquake:

Tsunami Information 29.03.2015

0230 UTC MON MAR 30 2015

Monday, February 23, 2015

(New) Major Leak at Fukushima - Strontium-90 levels Spike Alarmingly | NHK/BPEarthwatch

Fukushima Update 22.02.2015:

Fukushima Radioactive contamination sets off Alarm

The operator of the #Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant says it has detected high levels of radioactive substances in a drainage channel on the plant's premises on Sunday. The Tokyo Electric Power Company is investigating the cause.
The figure is 10 times higher than when rain causes the level to rise temporarily. The utility suspects that contaminated water in the channel may have leaked into the port. It has suspended all operations to transfer contaminated water and closed a gate of the channel by the port. - NHK

TEPCO says the plant's alarm system went off around 10 AM. It showed a rise in radioactivity in the channel that leads to a nearby port.
Measurements showed that levels of beta-ray emitting substances, which are not detected under normal circumstances, had risen to up to 7,230 Becquerels per liter.
The figure is 10 times higher than when rain causes the level to rise temporarily.
The utility suspects that contaminated water in the channel may have leaked into the port.
It has suspended all operations to transfer contaminated water and closed a gate of the channel by the port.
The drainage channel used to be connected to a section of coast beyond the port. #TEPCO rerouted it after a series of leaks in 2013.

MAJOR #Fukushima Leak - World in Peril

Published on Feb 22, 2015
NEW LEAK AT FUKUSHIMA. UPDATE. http://www.BPEarthWatch.Com

Multiple Alarms Set Off at Fukushima Plant: New leak Detected — “Strontium-90 levels spike alarmingly”

"Emergency inspections” underway (VIDEO) - ENENews

Tuesday, December 16, 2014

QuakeSwarm near Lakeview, OR has experts stressing Earthquake Preparedness | #VolcanoSeason

Volcano Season Update:


The ongoing #quakeswarm near Lakeview, Oregon on the Nevada border continues to quietly rage on with no let up in more than 2 months.  Yellowstone continues to "Burp" SO2 and Methane, Mt Shasta sheds glaciers, and Mt Saint Helens #MagmaChamber is Re-Charging. With the continued uptick in Global Volcanism and stronger Seismic events on the increase, 

When we will see a significant eruption in the Inter Mountain West?

The previously thought to be Dormant Cascadia Fault Zone is poised for a Major Slippage event. We here at MP are not Seismologists, Volcanologists or Climate Scientists.We can see a Trend and it shows that we are in the middle of what some have deemed #VolcanoSeason. We are not Predicting an Earthquake or Eruption, yet, Be Prepared for Seismic events if you live near one of these areas. _MP

Current reports from the area in the corner of Nevada shows over 120 #quakes in the last 7 Days. The temblors have been growing steadily stronger with time. Six earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater have struck the area since Tuesday and about 40 have struck in the last 24 hours, This week it has just gone crazy 

The swarm is beneath an uninhabited part of the Nevada desert near the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, but officials are telling the public, especially the almost 2,300 residents of Lakeview, to develop earthquake plans if they haven't already.
"If you are not ready for an earthquake, now is an awfully good time to get ready for an earthquake," said Alison Ryan, a spokeswoman for the department. -

Check this page out for more info on Quake Prediction Models:

Northeast California and Nevada Dealing With Swarm Of Earthquakes

About 750 earthquakes, mostly magnitude 2.0 to 3.0, have struck the area about 50 miles southeast of Lakeview, Ore., since the swarm started in July, said Ian Madin, chief scientist for Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries. "This week it has just gone crazy," Madin said. -

November 7, 2014
By JAVIER PANZAR  Earthquakes

A swarm of hundreds of earthquakes that has been striking a corner of the Nevada desert near the Oregon border for months has intensified in recent days, prompting new warnings from seismologists.  

About 750 earthquakes, mostly magnitude 2.0 to 3.0, have struck the area about 50 miles southeast of Lakeview, Ore., since the swarm started in July, said Ian Madin, chief scientist for Oregon's Department of Geology and Mineral Industries.

The temblors have been growing steadily stronger with time. Six earthquakes of magnitude 4.0 or greater have struck the area since Tuesday and about 40 have struck in the last 24 hours, Madin said.

"This week it has just gone crazy," Madin said.

The swarm is beneath an uninhabited part of the Nevada desert near the Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge, but officials are telling the public, especially the almost 2,300 residents of Lakeview, to develop earthquake plans if they haven't already.

"If you are not ready for an earthquake, now is an awfully good time to get ready for an earthquake," said Alison Ryan, a spokeswoman for the department.

Scientists believe groundwater is slowly percolating along the faults and building up pressure, making movement on the faults much easier, said John Vidale, director of the Pacific Northwest Seismic Network at the University of Washington.

"It doesn't necessarily mean anything big is coming, but it does raise the risk there will be a bigger quake in the future," he said. "Ninety-nine percent of the time nothing too dramatic happens, but every now and then there is a good pop and everyone asks why we didn't predict it."

Read more:

Our Top post of 2014:#VolcanoSeason #Yellowstone and Sulphur Dioxide Release Madtown Preppers on FB

A NEW #quake / #Volcano post coming up discussing the Lakeview OR/NV #quakeswarm and the Cascadia fault

The map above shows the trail the calderas as the continent has moved over the hot spot.