Tuesday, May 5, 2015

Earth Changes, Plate Movements, and Quakes - What is Coming? w NancyLieder on SitPrep | USAEBN

Plate Tectonic Movement, Earthquake Uptick and Earth Changes were the Subject of the Day on Situational Preparedness on Monday.

#CalbucoLightning - View from Frutillar, southern Chile, of lava spewing from the Calbuco volcano, on April 23, 2015. AFP PHOTO/MARTIN BERNETTI

Nancy Lieder (zetatalk.com) joins us for a Monthly Update of Earth Changes.

Our FB Post:

Excerpt from Plate Movement Discussion:
N America’s Diagonal Pull

-          N America has a flat top, and cannot roll, thus is pulled in a diagonal manner. This results in what is termed the New Madrid adjustments. This is in America’s near future, based on all the quake swarms in Oklahoma and Connecticut, and booms along the Seaway. 
-          The New Madrid adjustment, pending, will devastate the N American continent, up along the Mississippi, under the Seaway, and perhaps with some sympathetic quaking along the Eastern seaboard. 

-          Bridges on the Mississippi will rip, during this diagonal pull, as shown by the snap of the I-35 bridge in Minnesota, at the headwaters of the Mississippi. 
-          A security cam showed the bridge pulled 50 feet to the east, causing the snap.http://www.cnn.com/2007/US/08/03/bridge.structure/ Investigators trying to figure out what caused Wednesday's massive bridge collapse are focusing on the southern end of the span. The NTSB says one part of the bridge shifted 50 feet as it fell, while other sections collapsed in place. What's getting investigators' attention is the way the southern part of the bridge fell in a video they've already examined -- recorded by a security camera near the bridge's north end -- and the way the section settled after the collapse. It appears that it has shifted approximately 50 feet to the east and when we compare that to what we've seen in the rest of the bridge -- the rest of the bridge appears to have collapsed in place.
-          Wisconsin is likewise being pulled apart, ala the booms from Clintonville through to Baraboo.


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