
Thursday, October 31, 2013

Fukushima Trick or Treat: "We've opened a door to Hell." - Fuel Rod Removal Nov 8 Japan's Worst Nuclear Nightmare | enenews/TEPCO Video

Nuclear Alert:


#Fukushima, #MOX, Nuclear Alert -
Mark your calendars for 08.11.2013

That is the date set to start fuel rod removal from the highly damaged fuel cooling pool above Reactor #4 at #FukushimaDaiichi Nuclear Power Station in Japan.
The process itself is very delicate and dangerous and is usually executed by robots and computers.

This is not an option for the Fuel Cooling Pool above Reactor #4.  The floor is tilted, the roof is caved in, and the fuel holding racks are askew.

Manual mechanical removal of new and spent fuel rods is the current option.

Spent Fuel Rod Storage Pool Diagram - (TEPCO)

>>If any of these thousands of spent and new fuel rods are damaged or touch each other, a massive nuclear criticality could occur.
Not to mention Typhoon and Seismic events in recent days.

NHK WORLD, Oct 30, 2013: [...] The firm [TEPCO] hopes to begin the removal at the facility’s Number 4 reactor on November 8th. Tokyo Electric plans to check whether the rods are damaged by debris that fell into the pool in March 2011, and to ensure that they do not get caught in the debris during the removal process. [...]

ABC’s Interview with Yale Professor Charles Perrow, author of recent article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist about Tepco’s upcoming attempt to remove fuel from the Unit 4 pool: “This has me very scared.” He warned that one slip-up with the removal of
this highly radioactive fuel could trigger a chain reaction. “Tokyo would have to be evacuated because cesium, and other poisons that are there, will spread very rapidly. Even if the wind is blowing the other way, it’s going to be monumental.”

TEPCO’s Yoshimi Hitosugi: We believe it’s not dangerous.

Arnie Gunderson discussing the complexities of Fuel Rod Storage and Removal at Reactor #4:

Published on Sep 15, 2013
< 日本語訳・字幕↓:Jo2Rayden >福島原発4号機の地震で歪曲した核燃料ラック、プールに落ちた屋根。-- 核燃料棒は折れ、移動できないだろう。Gundersen: Fukushima Unit 4 fuel racks distorted from quake and roof falling into pool — Nuclear rods likely to snap and won't be able to be removed 

TV: “Japan’s worst nuclear nightmare” — Yale Professor: Removing fuel from Fukushima Unit 4 pool “has me very scared” — #Tepco: “We believe it’s not dangerous” (VIDEO)

Published: October 31st, 2013 at 12:59 am ET

Mark Willacy, ABC News (Australia), Oct. 31, 2013: Hidden inside the twisted remains of the Fukushima reactor 4 building, and perched precariously 5 stories above the ground, is Japan’s worst nuclear nightmare. It’s a deep pool holding 1,300 used fuel assemblies [...] Tepco is finally ready to start removing this 400 tons of highly radioactive fuel.
ABC’s Interview with Yale Professor Charles Perrow, author of recent article in the Bulletin of Atomic Scientist about Tepco’s upcoming attempt to remove fuel from the Unit 4 pool: “This has me very scared.” He warned that one slip-up with the removal of this highly radioactive fuel could trigger a chain reaction. “Tokyo would have to be evacuated because cesium, and other poisons that are there, will spread very rapidly. Even if the wind is blowing the other way, it’s going to be monumental.”
TEPCO’s Yoshimi Hitosugi: We believe it’s not dangerous.

Workers wearing protective suits and masks are seen next to the spent fuel pool inside the Common Pool Building, where all the nuclear fuel rods will be stored for decommissioning, at the Tokyo Electric Power Co (TEPCO) tsunami-crippled Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant in the town of Okuma, Fukushima prefecture (AFP Photo/Issei Kato)

>>TEPCO has a Video describing the process of removing the #NuclearFuelRods at Fukushima:
Fuel Discharge from Reactor 4 Spent Fuel Pool in Fukushima Daiichi NPS
Play Video (3:51) (TEPCO)
>>The Japanese Government has recently passed legislation to limit Information to be released without review out of the Fukushima crisis.
Stay Informed.

Fuel Rod Cooling Pool - Reactor #4 - see more on MP Blog #Fukushima - (TEPCO)

We’ve opened a door to hell” at Fukushima plant, and may never be able to close it — Radio Host: You mean that even with robots they don’t know where the 3 reactor cores are? (AUDIO)

Published: October 30th, 2013 at 8:41 pm ET

Title: Discussing Fukushima
Source: Art Bell’s Dark Matter
Date: Oct. 29, 2013
Paul Gunter, nuclear power industry watchdog at Beyond Nuclear: We’ve got 3 reactors, the cores have left the vessel. They’ve burned through the bottom of the vessel. We don’t really know where they are, because the radioactive environment even fries robots that Tepco’s been trying to send in there. They have been sending very innovative robotic machinery and sensors in there to get a picture, to get a reading, and these things don’t return. We have opened a door to hell that cannot be easily closed — if ever. We’ve got those 3 cores that are melting, they could be somewhere in the concrete base mat burning their way through, they could have already burned through and entered into the ground. They hopefully have formed a huge solid ‘elephant’s foot’ of highly radioactive material.
Art Bell, host: You mean that even with robotic help, they don’t know where the cores are?
Gunter: Correct. We’ve got 3 molten cores that we don’t have a status report on.
Full broadcast for subscribers here (Now available on YouTube here)

See also: Pro-Nuclear Expert: Typhoon collapsing Fukushima fuel pool "a very real concern -- I don't know what it is they’re doing about that" (AUDIO)

Fukushima: the Truth about the Scale of the Disaster | #disastersurvivalmagazine

Fukushima - A Cautionary Prepper's Tale - MP Blog - 11.09.2013

#Fukushimacrisis Update: Nuclear Operators describe "Worst Case" Scenario, Location of melted #Corium Unknown 

More from “Japan (Fukushima)”

Fukushima: The Truth about the scale of the Disaster - Disaster Survival Magazine Issue #1

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