
Sunday, June 16, 2013

Nuclear Alert: Leak at #Hanford nuclear site “has grown substantially” — “The worst of the worst on planet” — enenews/King5

Leak at U.S. nuclear site “has grown substantially” — “The worst of the worst on planet” —  #Hanford

 The worst of the worst on the planet” -KING 5

Hanford dumping ground via Rosemere Assn Photo credit: HOANW

TV: Leak at U.S. nuclear site “has grown substantially” — “The worst of the worst on planet” — “Much more bright green liquid than before” #Hanford

Published: June 14th, 2013 at 3:37 pm ET
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Title: Leak in Hanford double-shell tank getting worse
Source: KING 5 News
Date: June 13, 2013
h/t Enformable
The leak in a massive underground double-shell nuclear waste tank at the Hanford Site has grown significantly since the leak was first announced to the public last fall, according to sources who have seen new inspection video and photographs.
The tank — known as AY-102 — holds 860,000 gallons of radioactive waste
generated during decades of plutonium production [...]
The sources who spoke with KING 5 said the amount of waste that has spilled out of the primary tank into the annulus -– the hollow space separating the tank’s inner and outer walls — has grown substantially in recent months. [...]
The new video of the waste also shows much more bright green liquid than workers had seen before. The presence of green, wet material means it is new. [...]
“The worst of the worst on the planet” -KING 5

Full report here

Published: June 14th, 2013 at 3:37 pm ET

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