
Monday, April 22, 2013

Space Weather Alert: Sunspot AR1726 - Increased Activity/Earth Directed -

BIG SUNSPOT BOOSTS ODDS FOR FLARES: The rapid growth of sunspot AR1726 continues. Invisible only three days ago, it is now a behemoth more than 150,000 km (a dozen Earth diameters) wide. A 48-hour movie from the Solar Dynamics Observatory shows the active region's development:

The sunspot has a 'beta-gamma' magnetic field that harbors energy for M-class flares. NOAA forecasters put the odds of an M-class eruption today at 40%, X-class at 15%, but that is probably an underestimate. AR1726 poses a growing threat for significant Earth-directed flares. 

Northern Lights - a Guide 

What's up in space

Sunspot region AR1726 has grown very big in a very short time. It is currently more than 150,000 km (a dozen Earth diameters) wide. It is now a threat to our planet for the next 5 days. It has the power to deliver a very powerful x-class flare followed by a more powerful CME ! In addition to what it can deliver because there has been relatively low solar activity are weak shield are at a very weak point.
 Sunspot AR1726 has developed a 'delta class' magnetic field that harbors energy for strong eruptions. This has prompted NOAA forecasters to up the odds of M-class flares to 40% and X-class flares to 15% within the next 24 hours. Because of the sunspot's almost-central location on the solar disk, any eruptions todat would likely be Earth-directed. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

The sunspot is more than a dozen times wider than Earth, which makes it an easy target for backyard solar telescopes. Amateur astronomer Dennis Simmons sends this picture, taken April 22nd, from Brisbane, Qld, Australia:

"This hi-res image was a freak capture when the seeing stabilised for some 150 frames during my morning observing session," says Simmons.
The resolution was fine enough to show not only the sunspot's planet-sized dark cores, but also thousands of smaller granules surrounding the active region. Granules are evidence of boiling on a titanic scale. The upper layers of the sun sit atop a 15-million degree nuclear furnace, and they boil much like water on a hot stove. Granules are akin to the roiling bubbles you see in a pan of boiling water, a million times amplified: Solar granules are as wide as Alaska.

Check the realtime SWx gallery for more images. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.

editor's NOTE:

The Sun is now entering a more active stage as we come into solar maximum. Up until now sunspot regions have been fading away when then became earth facing, yesterday that changed!

These are just going news flashes, nothing that can "change life as we know it (CLAWKI)" will be posted here. In the event that there is a possibly "CLAWKI" developing we will post updates. If all element are present for a "CLAWKI" to be very likely, we will post/issue alerts that will give advise on what to do and what to expect.

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