
Sunday, March 17, 2013

64 SHTF Medical Tips That Work - Actually - Daily Sheeple

64 SHTF Medical Tips That Work

Some of these seem like Common Sense, yet a quick Review of your Knowledge is never a Bad Thing.
Decent Tips here from Medically Speaking at the Daily Sheeple.


64 SHTF Medical Tips That Work

Lizzie Bennett
Medically Speaking
March 15th, 2013
Reader Views: 4,191

  1. Putting toothpaste on a sting stops the pain
  2. Baking soda is an excellent antacid
  3. Eating activated charcoal will bind ingested chemicals and poisons
  4. Aloe Vera gel takes the heat out of burns
  5. Natural yogurt stops the irritation and clears vaginal thrush
  6. Natural yogurt takes the heat out of sunburn
  7. A strong magnet will draw metal to the surface of a wound
  8. Olive oil smothers head lice killing them. Repeat after 5 days
  9. Olive oil treats psoriasis and dry eczema preventing cracking
  10. Cling wrap is the ideal covering for burns
  11. Cinnamon sticks in a jar with water makes antiseptic mouthwash
  12. If a wound has glass in squeeze both sides of the wound and it will pop out
  13. White vinegar treats fungal nail infection. 1 part vinegar 2 parts water
  14. Duct tape will hold a large wound together until you can deal with it
  15. Scrape stings out with an ATM card.  Pinching it out puts more venom in
  16. Sanitary towels make excellent pressure dressings
  17. Seal a sucking chest wound with a plastic bag fixed on 3 sides over the wound
  18. Clove oil relieves toothache
  19. Strong, cooled black tea relieves conjunctivitis
  20. Parsley stops bad breath and contains  masses of vitamin C and vitamin A
  21. Eggshell is the best form of calcium supplement
  22. Olive oil loosens solid earwax
  23. Regular sugar heals wounds, just pour it in.
  24. Tampons work well to plug penetrating wounds
  1. Curved upholstery needles are good for suturing wounds
  2. Dental floss is a good substitute for suture material in emergencies
  3. Toothpaste applied to a blister or cold sore will dry them up
  4. A patch of duct tape over a wart will kill it. Change patch daily.
  5. Maggots make excellent cleaners for infected wounds
  6. Children under 16 should not be given aspirin
  7. Anyone with clotting disorders should not be given aspirin
  8. 1/4 Aspirin a day helps prevent heart attacks/strokes by thinning the blood
  9. Cut toe nails straight across to prevent in growing and infection
  10. A small blob of softened candle wax will seal a tooth where a filling is lost
  11. Pleasant smells lift the spirit and enhance your mood
  12. Pregnant women should not eat foods high in vitamin A ( foetal blindness)
  13. The trace elements in homemade chicken soup does make you feel better
  14. Sniffing onions or vapour rub causes tears which washes debris from eyes
  15. Petroleum jelly seals grazes and stops bacteria entering the wound
  16. A large elastic band/ hair band makes an emergency tourniquet
  17. keep a hand/foot dressing in place with a fingerless rubber glove
  18. Hold an arm/leg dressing in place with cut off piece of panty hose
  19. Strap a broken finger with tape to an unbroken one next to it
  20. Strap two broken fingers together to immobilize them
  21. Sneeze into the crook of your arm to avoid contaminating your hands
  22. Push elevator buttons with your knuckle so your fingers stay clean
  23. If you can’t wash your clothes seal them in bags for 5 days to kill typhus lice
  24. Damp dust weekly to prevent mite infestation
  25. Clean wounds however minor as soon as possible to prevent infection
  26. Never burst blisters it lets infection in. Blister fluid is sterile.
  27. Barley water relieves Cystitis. (Boil grain and drink the juice)
  28. Cranberry juice relieves Cystitis
  29. If you pop an abscess use a sterile needle at the bottom to aid drainage
  30. Files spread disease. Clear all waste,  food, human and pet immediately
  31. Never give alcohol to hypothermic patients, it will cool them more
  32. Re-warm hypothermia victims with gentle heat and do it slowly
  33. Don’t rub areas you suspect to be frost bitten it causes more damage
  34. Prevent scurvy with adequate vitamin C
  35. Prevent rickets with adequate vitamin D
  36. Prevent Spina Bifida in babies with Folic Acid in pregnancy
  37. Prevent Anaemia with adequate iron intake. Cast iron cookware helps
  38. Prevent bone/tooth  problems with adequate calcium
  39. Prevent pregnancy by using natural sponge as a barrier to ejaculate
  40. Natural sponge can also be a reusable feminine hygiene product
Delivered by The Daily Sheeple

Contributed by Lizzie Bennett of Medically Speaking.
Lizzie Bennett retired from her job as a senior operating department practitioner in the UK earlier this year. Her field was trauma and accident and emergency and she has served on major catastrophe teams around the UK. Lizzie publishes Medically Speaking on the topic of preparedness.

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