
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Situational Preparedness Update: Wednesdays 5P CST blogtalkradion/USAEBN


Situational Preparedness Radio Show Update: 

Wednesdays 5P CST on blogtalkradion/USAEBN

USA Emergency Broadcasting Network Mission

The 21st century, thus far, as turned out to be one emergency after another; 911 attacks, Anthrax attack, Katrina, Hugo, Andrew, tornadoes in the mid-west, Washington DC earthquake and now Super storm Sandy. It has not only tested but has made it painfully evident that American Readiness to these disasters is inadequate at best, especially when it come down to communications. One of the major problems with our readiness program is the lack of communications between first responders, and the general public, as evident with the 911 system collapse during the Washington DC earthquake and the almost failure of the 911 system during Hurricane Sandy.
Common Sense Preparedness Digital Broadcasting has teamed up with other emergency organizations (government and non-government) to create a new informational source that will bring the American population reliable, verifiable emergency information. This new endeavor is called USA Emergency Broadcasting Network.
Common Sense Preparedness will be the flagship of this new network and we will bring you the information that is needed during times of disasters. As usual we will not talk politics or conspiracy theories, there is too much propaganda out there already. We will focus on information that will help you prepare for and respond to any type of disaster that you might face, natural, man-made or personal.
During times of disaster USA Emergency Broadcasting Network will operate a Virtual Emergency Operational Center in order to receive and distribute emergency information to the general public. A live / pre-recorded radio station will also be broadcasting this information and can be found on various internet radio sites and our web site,
USA Emergency Broadcasting Network will bring you professionals from across this nation, in order to ensure the information that you are receiving is the best out there.
For more information you may contact us at

From Our FB Page Madtown Preppers

Thanks for Listening to the Show Today.

Special Thanks to Amelia Foxwell, Hilary from , Pamela from MN, and Tim for Being On.

We had Fun and Learned Something.

This is about People after all.

"There's a Difference between Knowing the Path, 
and Walking the Path"
- Morpheus 2071 (guess?)

Walk with Us.  We'll get there Together.

Stay Involved.

1 comment:

  1. frrom Foxwell's FB Pge:
    Marylanders we will be in Rock Hall Feb 16th with some great firearms and defense companies for a two day training. Join us, slots are filling up ;)

    Civilian Critical Defense Course Feb2013 Rock Hall
    February 16 at 8:00am in EST
    Rock Hall, Maryland in Rock Hall, Maryland

    Join · 12 people are going
