
Monday, January 21, 2013

Situational Preparedness - Madtown Preppers - Edited 1/16 01/21 by NebudchenezzarShipworks | Blog Talk Radio

Situational Preparedness - Madtown Preppers - 

Edited 1/16 01/21 by NebudchenezzarShipworks | Blog Talk Radio

Straight to podcast.
76 min Edited Wed show from 1/16/2013
Edited Foxwell Interview.
Added Content/Voice.
Showing Improvement.
USAEBN News Hour Mondays 5P CST blogtalkradio/


Published on Jul 29, 2012
Are You Prepared for the Impending Global Fiat Currency (U.S. Dollar) Collapse? Global Monetary collapse is 100% assured as a result of the nature of Fiat Money (unbacked currency units).

Muzzle Front Link from Situational Preparedness - blogtalkradio

Link from Today's Show:
Thanks  Amelia for Your Time, Expertise, and Knowledge.
We strive to be a Community based Network.
This is how it starts.

We've asked Amelia to Join our Show for a Ongoing Informational Training Series on Weapons/Tactics/Organizing.
Tell them Madtown Preppers sent you.
Join the Club.
Stay Involved

Stay Prepared.


+Nebudchenezzar Shipworks 


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3 companies, 5 days, 5 modules, all focused on you keeping yourself and those you Love Alive.




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