
Friday, January 25, 2013

M8.7 Solar FlaCORRECTION:Di CME/Jupiter Radio Interference

Prior post featured a Story we though was current, a reader pointed out that the storms are very similar, but the 8,7 reported is from 2012.
The Link Referenced below is from 1.25.2012, clicked through to the second source:
Storm almost the same other than the 2013 flare as aF ilament Strand.  Still Violent and plasma in form, not considered a CME<

Sorry for the Error.  We are leaving the 2012 Post Up for Reference.


Looks like this Life Changer skipped over the Top. (Wrong Link: 2012, similar event)

Solar Maximum Continues through Equinox and may be enhanced by Jupiter's Radiomagnetic Bursts.

We will Stay on It.

USAEBN News Hour - blogtalkradio/usaebn - Mondays

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UPDATE 01.25.12: The geomagnetic storm on the night of January 24-25 produced brilliant aurora at high latitudes as seen in this image from Sweden.

Aurora from geomagnetic storm seen in Sweden on 01.24.12.
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Image Courtesy of Peter Rosén.

UPDATE 01.24.12: The coronal mass ejection CME collided with Earth's magnetic field a little after 10 AM ET on January 24, 2012. NOAA's Space Weather Prediction Center has categorized the resulting storm as "strong" -- or S3 (with S5 being the highest) -- storm. Solar radiation storms can affect satellite operations and short wave radio propagation, but cannot harm humans on Earth. Auroras may well be visible tonight at higher latitudes such as Michigan and Maine in the U.S., and perhaps even lower.

Solar Dynamics Observatory captured the flare, shown here in teal as that is the color typically used to show light in the 131 Angstrom wavelength, a wavelength in which it is easy to view solar flares. The flare began at 10:38 PM ET on Jan. 22, peaked at 10:59 PM and ended at 11:34 PM. Credit: NASA/SDO/AIA
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The sun erupted late on January 22, 2012 with an M8.7 class flare, an earth-directed coronal mass ejection (CME), and a burst of fast moving, highly energetic protons known as a "solar energetic particle" event. The latter has caused the largest proton event since October 2003.

NASA's Goddard Space Weather Center's models predict that the CME is moving at almost 1,400 miles per second, and could reach Earth's magnetosphere – the magnetic envelope that surrounds Earth -- as early as tomorrow, Jan 24 at 9 AM ET (plus or minus 7 hours). This has the potential to provide good auroral displays, possibly at lower latitudes than normal.

The Solar Heliospheric Observatory captured the coronal mass ejection (CME) in this video (which shows the sun's activity from January 19 to January 23). The end of the movie shows the interference caused by the onslaught of fast, energetic solar particles emitted from the sun. Credit: SOHO/ESA & NASA
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What is a solar flare? What is a coronal mass ejection?

For answers to these and other space weather questions, please visit the Spaceweather Frequently Asked Questions page.

Karen C. Fox
NASA Goddard Space Flight Center  Archive: 25.1.2013

 FILAMENT ERUPTIONS: Two long filaments of solar magnetism have erupted on the sun today, Jan. 23rd, hurling bright coronal mass ejections into space. This one passed directly in front of Mercury:
A second CME sailed high over the sun's north pole: image. Earth was not in the line of fire of either eruption.
NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory recorded the eruption that hurled the CME in front of Mercury. Click to set the scene in motion:
These events show that sunspots are not required for solar activity. Neither of the filaments that erupted on Jan. 23rd were rooted in a sunspot's dark core. Solar flare alerts: text, voice.
SOUTHERN CORONAL HOLE: A hole in the sun's atmosphere--a "coronal hole"--has opened up in the sun's southern hemisphere, and it is spewing a stream of solar wind into space. Extreme UV cameras onboard NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory photographed the dark gap during the early hours of Jan. 23rd:
Coronal holes are places in the sun's atmosphere where the sun's magnetic field opens up and allows solar wind to escape. A stream of solar wind flowing from this particular coronal hole should reach Earth's orbit on Jan. 26-27. Whether it will actually hit our planet is unknown. Because of the coronal hole's high southern latitude, the solar wind it emits might miss our planet, sailing high over our own South Pole. High-latitude sky watchers should nevertheless remain alert for auroras. Aurora alerts: text, voice

AWASH IN JUPITER RADIO BURSTS: The planet Jupiter is a powerful source of shortwave radio bursts. They come from natural radio lasers in the giant planet's polar magnetosphere that sometimes sweep past Earth as Jupiter rotates. On Jan. 21st, as Jupiter and the Moon were converging high in the midnight sky, a series of Jupiter's radio laser beams hit Earth. Amateur astronomer Thomas Ashcraft recorded the static-y sounds coming from the loudspeaker of his shortwave radio telescope in New Mexico:

Dynamic spectrum courtesy of Wes Greenman, Radio Alachua Observatory
"Sometimes when people are outside Jupiter-gazing they might also be awash in Jovian radio beam sweeps and not know it," says Ashcraft. "On Sunday, a Jovian radio storm produced a few minutes of strong radio waves. As I was outside my observatory looking up at Jupiter I was also hearing the waves on my radio telescope speakers and realized that my own body was, in that moment, being bathed in electromagnetic beams from Jupiter. What a nice feeling!"

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