
Saturday, December 1, 2012

Strange “vibrations” detected throughout the United States - Dutch Sinse

Alright, I probably have neglected giving some time to the Work of Dutch Sinse.

His ability to find, explain, compile and extrapolate Complex happenings into Understandable logic is extraordinary.

Leaves the viewer with a clearer Understanding (however Scary), Or, More often than not, more Questions.

His history on youtube is near viral pace for the body of his work.

His series on HAARP was forcibly pulled by some friends of the current Whatever.

Now has a new Channel:  Dutch Sinse Re-Loaded

Definitely worth more than a look.


Strange “vibrations” detected throughout the United States - Dutch Sinse

11/30/2012 — Strange “vibrations” detected throughout the United States

Seen on multiple nodes managed by different institutions, feeding back to the CERI / Midwest USGS official charts across the region… what can only be described as low end vibrations, over a VERY large area.
NOT to be confused with earthquakes elsewhere around the planet, this is something I have not seen before over such a wide area.
Did the sensor network undergo some kind of damage?  Is there some kind of interference happening?  Is this a REAL detection of low frequency vibrations occurring?
Time will tell on this…
Here is the main link .. .click on CERI, SLU, or any of the other ‘nodes’.. then select 11/30/2012 (most current charts).. and then compare to a few days or weeks, or months ago by clicking back through the charts (listed by date):
use these links here to monitor earthquake activity nationally, and internationally:
The Live Internet Seismic Server also shows this activity.
I went ahead and put together a few charts into one shareable pic … you can clearly see a baseline (on the right) from a few days ago.. and compare to today (left).. the vibrations are noticeable.   Its across the board.. pretty much the whole country from South Carolina, to Wisconsin.. and beyond.. still trying to check all the charts :
Click the picture for full size:
strange vibrations throughout the midwest USA

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