
Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Prepper's Home Defense - Exclusive Interview!!! - Jim Cobb, Author

On a recent trek through South Central WI, took a detour to an undisclosed location (near a Starbucks).

There a Prepper Friend and I met Jim Cobb - Author, Survivalist, Blogger, Disaster Readiness Expert,  and a Wealth of Knowledge on the subject of Disaster/Emergency Preparedness and Home Defense and Security.

Jim, along with Ulysses Press have recently released Prepper's Home Defense - Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by any Means Necessary

Brief Overview:
Prepper's Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary

Prepper's Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary
By Jim Cobb

Availability:Ships NOW!
Available for  @  Nebudchenezzar Shipworks

Product Description

Does your disaster preparation plan include security measures? When civilization fails and the desperate masses begin looting, they will come for your food, water and life-sustaining supplies. This book shows you how to implement a complete plan for operational security and physical defense, including:
• Perimeter Security Systems and Traps
• House Fortifications and Safe Rooms
• Secured and Hidden Storage
• Firearms and Defensive Combat Techniques
• Gathering Intelligence and Forming Alliances

Jim Cobb is a Busy Man. He has been a Prepper for most 
of his life and has worked almost twenty years in the security 
management and investigation fields. Jim writes The Frugal Prepper 
column in Survivalist Magazine as well as a daily blog for Jim's primary home online is found at He lives and works in the Upper Midwest, sequestered
 in a fortified bunker with his lovely wife and their three kids. 
The Following is Our Exclusive Interview with Jim Cobb:
> Madtown Preppers: 
Jim, I am sure your asked all the time re: How you got started
Prepping.  Our readers might be more interested in your Background
as a Writer and the process to getting this Book out. 
Is it Who you Know? 
>> Jim Cobb: 
I've been a Prepper since long before that term came into being. 
When I was a young boy, any time I heard the severe weather warnings on TV, I'd
hustle to the basement and stash supplies there, just in case.  Of course,
being very young, those supplies consisted of things like my teddy bear
and a few cans of food, maybe a flashlight if I came across one.  Then,
when I was about twelve, I came across two books that would sort of set me
on the path once and for all -- THE SURVIVALIST by Jerry Ahern and  
LIFEAFTER DOOMSDAY by Dr. Bruce D. Clayton.
I still have both of those booksto this day, almost thirty years later.
As for the book writing process, it took me about four months to get the
manuscript finished.  All told, perhaps about 100 hours of actual writing
in between research and such.  I tend to write in spurts, hammering out a
chapter one day, then not writing much for the next couple days.  I'm
always writing something, of course, between magazine articles, blog
posts, and website contributions as well as book chapters.
> MP: 
How do you feel Social Media has helped/hurt the Prepping Cause?
>> Jim Cobb: 
 I think it has helped tremendously in that it allows for much more
networking opportunity for Preppers.  One of the most common complaints
Preppers have is not being able to find people locally to brainstorm with
or just talk to without being seen as a kook.  Social networking sites
like Facebook have given many of these people a means to connect with
like-minded folks not only around the world but in their own backyard.
>  MP: 
 What is the Biggest Mistake most Preppers make when planning their
>> Jim Cobb: 
 Putting on blinders.  What I mean by that is, there are so many different
categories, for lack of a better term, of supplies and gear one may need
down the road.  What I see frequently is people's focus gets very narrow
and they overlook the more boring stuff, like water purification, in favor
of the sexier things like firearms.  Don't get me wrong, I obviously feel
security is an issue deserving of attention.  But, all the bullets in the
world won't help you if you're dehydrated. 
>  MP: 
 On that same note: The biggest mistake when Joining/Starting a Group? 
>> Jim Cobb: 
 One of the most common things I've been seeing the last few years are
people who are seeking a group that is all set up with a stocked retreat. 
Frequently, it is someone who claims some sort of quasi-military
experience or something and offering to work security for the group in
exchange for a place to stay and a share of the supplies.  If a group has
gotten to the point where they have a retreat location and sufficient
stores for their members, odds are pretty good they aren't looking for
some sort of hired gun.  Further, they probably aren't looking for some
stranger to join up, regardless of their background and qualifications.
If you're looking to join a group, you're far better off creating your own
with people you know and trust. 
>  MP: 
How can one tell if a group is legit and not whack-job Tin-Foil Hat Backwoods
 Para-Military Group waiting for the 7th (6th??) Sign? 
>> Jim Cobb: 
 Quite often, you can't until and unless you get to know the members of the
group and attend a few meetings.  Just as any group should have in place
some sort of vetting process for new members, individuals should do the
same with prospective groups. 
>  MP: 
 If you can tell us, How extensive are your Family's Preps?
 >> Jim Cobb:  
 I'm not going to get into that. 
>  MP:  
 OK, that's Fair. 
 With the onset of Doomsday Preppers/Bunkers/Mayan/Asteroid/FEMA Camp
theories, is it safe online to collect info and network, or should We just buy
more Guns and Hunker down? 
>> Jim Cobb: 
 I'm not sure what danger there is in gathering information.  If the powers
that be are capable of tracking those who seek the information, then they
are certainly capable of tracking you anyway. 
>  MP: 
 Jim, Thanks for your Time again.  How is the Book doing?  And, what
would be the last bit of advice for an Amateur Prepper that doesn't
have a lot of Time to Prep? 
>> Jim Cobb: 
 Thanks, the Book is selling really well on Amazon. 
You've got some Signed Copies at your Store..
 As far as Tips for the Amateur Prepper, 
The Best advice I can give is to just take it day by day.
Do what you can today and make a plan for tomorrow.
No one can do it all at once and we all started somewhere. 
Thank You.
Jim Cobb
Disaster Readiness Expert
Author of Prepper's Home Defense

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Prepper's Home Defense NEW!!! - Advanced Copies - Update Available





Prepper's Home Defense NEW Book - Sneak Peak

This has the Potential to be A Great Reference Tool.

Just Published this week.

Nebudchenezzar is going to carry them soon.



Prepper's Home Defense' Jim Cobb Ulysses Press, 2012

Prepper’s Home Defense sneak peek: Mutual Aid Agreements - Survival Weekly

[What follows is a sneak peek from Prepper's Home Defense, coming in December, 2012, from Ulysses Press.]

Gathering Allies
One of the most common complaints I hear from preppers is the difficulty in finding like-minded folks in their area. They feel as though they are lone voices in the wind and struggle to locate anyone nearby who shares their concerns about the future. See, here’s the thing. Let’s reverse the question for a second and look at it like this – how many people in your area know you are a prepper? Not too many, I’d reckon. And that’s probably by design, isn’t it? The rules of OPSEC dictate to keep your trap shut and not go around blabbering to people how you have umpteen cases of toilet paper and hundreds of gallons of water stored in the basement. This makes perfect sense. However, the reason you are finding it difficult to find preppers in your area is because they are all doing the same thing! They are keeping their heads down and their mouths shut, just like you. The result is, there could be a roomful of preppers and none of them are aware of it, each thinking everyone else would think they are nuts if they found out.
If there will be one silver lining in the cloud of a post-collapse world, it will be that you no longer will need to try and convince potential allies that they should prepare for the worst. Gone, for the most part, will be endless debates about whether preppers are nut jobs or just forward thinkers. Most people will readily admit that there is strength in numbers. Therefore, it shouldn’t take too much conversation to convince those survivors around you that you will all benefit by banding together and watching each others’ backs.
Of course, the first people you’d probably consider for a mutual aid agreement would be your immediate neighbors. In an urban environment, this may mean all of the survivors who live in your building and perhaps neighboring buildings. This could possibly amount to several dozen people or more. Out in the sticks, the options are going to be a bit more scarce in many places. While that will result in less mouths needing sustenance, it will also mean fewer hands available to work gardens and such.
Either way though, your neighbors are already in a position to provide extra eyes and ears. They already know the area and are likely to be able to spot strangers easily. If you’ve not done so already, make a point of getting to know your neighbors well. Invite them over for a BBQ in the summer and exchange cookies in December. Organize a floor party in your apartment building. Compliment the owner of the condo next door on their flower boxes. In today’s society, we’ve become rather insular and closed off in our daily lives. This will be nothing but a hindrance in the future.

Everyone Has Value
Don’t ever overlook a potential ally because of their physical condition, infirmities, or other negatively perceived attributes. The 90 year old widow who can hardly walk due to arthritis may have spent several decades of her life growing gardens and can share that knowledge with you. She may also have been the resident busybody and can tell you at a glance who lives where, how long they’ve lived there, what they do for a living, and who has been shacking up with them. The wheelchair bound guy may be an excellent shot with a hunting rifle and would make one dandy of a sniper. Just be sure to brace his wheelchair before handing him the rifle. Failure to do so might result in something out of a Bugs Bunny cartoon. The asthmatic teenager might never win a foot race but has enough gadget know how to cobble together one heck of a communications system and could man it regularly.
There is a saying that war makes for strange bedfellows. Make no mistake, for at least a period of time following a collapse, it will be as though you are at war with the world at large. Out of necessity, you may find yourself teaming up with neighbors you dislike. As the proverb goes, “The enemy of my enemy is my friend.”

Survival Weekly recommended BUY.
Prepper's Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary

Prepper's Home Defense: Security Strategies to Protect Your Family by Any Means Necessary
By Jim Cobb

Availability: Not yet published
Ships NOW!
Available for  @  Nebudchenezzar Shipworks

Product Description

Does your disaster preparation plan include security measures? When civilization fails and the desperate masses begin looting, they will come for your food, water and life-sustaining supplies. This book shows you how to implement a complete plan for operational security and physical defense, including:
• Perimeter Security Systems and Traps
• House Fortifications and Safe Rooms
• Secured and Hidden Storage
• Firearms and Defensive Combat Techniques
• Gathering Intelligence and Forming Alliances

Product Details

  • Published on: 2012-12-18
  • Original language: English
  • Number of items: 1
  • Binding: Paperback
  • 224 pages

Editorial Reviews

About the Author
Jim Cobb is a disaster readiness expert. He has been a prepper for most of his life and has worked almost twenty years in the security management and investigation fields. Jim writes The Frugal Prepper column in Survivalist Magazine as well as a daily blog for Jim's primary home online is found at He lives and works in the Upper Midwest, sequestered in a fortified bunker with his lovely wife and their three kids.

Knowledge Partnership Education

Madtown Preppers Alerts are for informational use only. These alerts purpose is to inform you of news events in order for you to adjust your family preparedness programs. We believe that knowledge is power and in order for you to make informed decisions, we try and bring you verified information, not to increase fear but to inform you. We do not endorse any of the sources we link to in any article.

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1 comment:

  1. Andre',
    Thanks for conducting the interview with Jim Cobb and for sharing it with us. The interview was well done, informative. The exchange was direct without any hype – which in my opinion, gives it more authority, more reliability.
