
Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Medical Reserve Corps/Preparedness Summit 2012 - Wauwatosa, WI 10/12 & 10/13 2012

 As a Retired R.N. and Pharmaceutical Auditor by Trade in my Formal Professional Life,  I have much interest in Helping People Train/Learn to Help themselves in specific situations.

With Recent Events Worldwide and the onset of 2012, a Friend of mine in WI turned me on to Prepping.

As a more seasoned Woman, I remember the Bomb Shelters/Stop Drop and Roll Days of the Cold War.
As my Life continued on its Path, I lived with a Brilliant Medical Professional in CO in the early '90's.  We not only had a Bomb Shelter, Gear, Weapons, and of course First Aid/Medical Supplies, but we developed roles for members of our "Group" based on individual skills and talents.  I guess what most would call "Prepping".  Well, we just called it getting ready.  Especially being located so close to Colorado Springs.

I have recently been working with the Medical Reserve Corps here in MN.  It also associated with Tribes in the region.  I am posting info for the upcoming Fall Preparedness Summit in WI as well as some other Programs being provided for Medical/Disaster First Responders.

This is a very well organized Group and is not affiliated directly with the Federal Govt that I know of.  It is more community based as most Programs should be.

If you have any questions or comments, please reply on the comment section of this blog or at Madtown Preppers on Facebook.

Planning/Preparing for Tomorrow starts Today.  Every Day.

Stay Safe Out There.  Hope to see you at one of these Conferences,

Narrow MRC/PS 2012

 Medical Reserve Corps 2012 Preparedness Summit in WI

Go to:

Dates: Friday, October 12th
Saturday, October 13th

Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC)
Pewaukee Campus
800 Main Street

Richard T. Anderson Educational Center

Daily Schedule:
Registration Opens at 7:15AM
Keynote Speaker: 8:00-9:00PM
Breakout Sessions: 9:15AM-12:15AM
Lunch Included
Breakout Sessions: 1:00-4:00PM

Courses offered at this year's MRC Preparedness Summit:

  • Integrated Mass Fatality Planning: Roles of Hospitals, Health Departments and Medical Examiners
  • Are you Ready to Respond?
  • Exposure to Traumatic Events: What You Need to Know to Improve Patient Care
  • Planning for Family Reunification
  • Decontamination: Why you Need a No Exceptions Policy
  • Understanding Emergency Behaviors and CPR Life Survival Techniques
  • Crisis Standards of Care
  • Changing Landscape of Disaster Response for Medial and Veterinary Professionals
  • Community Resiliency and the Volunteer's Role
  • Seven Signs of Terrorism & The Changing Face of Terrorism
  • How to Disarm Firearms Found at a Disaster Site
  • Volunteer Management for Local Governments
  • ICS/NIMS for Veterinary Community
  • Basic Suturing

About the Medical Reserve Corps

On this page:

DCVMRC Strategic Plan 2011–2013

The DCVMRC Strategic Plan 2011–2013 represents the direction of the Division of the Civilian Volunteer Medical Reserve Corps (DCVMRC) for the years 2011–2013. This plan aligns DCVMRC with the plans and priorities of the Office of the Surgeon General (OSG), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Health (OASH), the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response (ASPR), as well as the broader Department of Health and Human Services (HHS).


The mission of the MRC is to engage volunteers to strengthen public health, emergency response and community resiliency.


  • MRC units are community-based and function as a way to locally organize and utilize volunteers who want to donate their time and expertise to prepare for and respond to emergencies and promote healthy living throughout the year. MRC volunteers supplement existing emergency and public health resources.
  • MRC volunteers include medical and public health professionals such as physicians, nurses, pharmacists, dentists, veterinarians, and epidemiologists. Many community members—interpreters, chaplains, office workers, legal advisors, and others—can fill key support positions.
  • MRC units are provided specific areas to target that strengthen the public health infrastructure of their communities by the U.S. Surgeon General. These are outlined priorities for the health of individuals, and the nation as a whole, which also serve as a guide to the MRC. The overarching goal is to improve health literacy, and in support of this, she wants us to work towards increasing disease prevention, eliminating health disparities, and improving public health preparedness.
  • MRC volunteers can choose to support communities in need nationwide. When the southeast was battered by hurricanes in 2004, MRC volunteers in the affected areas and beyond helped communities by filling in at local hospitals, assisting their neighbors at local shelters, and providing first aid to those injured by the storms. During this 2-month period, more than 30 MRC units worked as part of the relief efforts, including those whose volunteers were called in from across the country to assist the American Red Cross (ARC) and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA).

    During the 2005 Hurricane Season, MRC members provided support for ARC health services, mental health and shelter operations. MRC members also supported the HHS response and recovery efforts by staffing special needs shelters, Community Health Centers and health clinics, and assisting health assessment teams in the Gulf Coast region. More than 1,500 MRC members were willing to deploy outside their local jurisdiction on optional missions to the disaster-affected areas with their state agencies, the ARC, and HHS. Of these, almost 200 volunteers from 25 MRC units were activated by HHS, and more than 400 volunteers from more than 80 local MRC units were activateded to support ARC disaster operations in Gulf Coast areas. 

Posting the following as a matter of interest. The training is in St. Paul, MN.


We do need to consider pets and all animals in our preparation.

Protecting Animals in a Disaster Training October 2nd

This presentation discusses the impact of disaster on animals and pet owners, and suggests planning and response solutions. Attendees will learn the many reasons to include animal disaster services in personal, business, and government plans and actions, as well as the challenges and solutions to help ensure an effective response.

Invited Attendees: MRC Volunteer Veterinarians, Veterinary Technologist/Technicians and Veterinary Assistants
Instructor: Karma Kumlin-Diers, Emergency Management Coordinator

Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm

Location: Conference Room - First Floor Ramsey County Plato Building 90 West Plato Blvd, Saint Paul, MN (map & photo of bldg. below)
Register: Email
Note: Attendance is limited to 60
CEUs: 2.0 available


U-SEEE Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center
At the University of Minnesota

Preparedness Training

We develop, deliver, and evaluate core-competency-based training for the public health workforce and respond to the public health preparedness and response needs of state, local, and tribal public health authorities.
This is done through the U-SEEE PERL Center at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
• Online training
• In-person training

Emergency Preparedness Training (U-SEEE) Center Major Project Areas

Major project areas for the University of Minnesota: Simulations and Exercises for Educational Effectiveness Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center are:
• Develop and deliver core competency-based training for the public health workforce.
• Modify, develop and deliver state, local and tribal partner requested education and training in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota.

About Support of the U-SEEE PERL Center

The U-SEEE PERL Center is supported in part by the Grant Number 1U90TP000418-01 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC. U-SEEE PERL Principal Investigator: Debra K. Olson

About PERL Centers

The University of Minnesota School of Public Health is one of 14 accredited schools of public health funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning (PERL) Center. These Centers provide unique workforce development opportunities for state, local, and tribal public health authorities as part of a national training network. Learn more about the CDC grant and other grantees.

Thanks a Lot Pamela!  I will try to attend the WI Summit.  Great Info!

It doesn't take a huge amount of effort to make a Difference.



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