
Saturday, September 15, 2012

Looking for Preppers/Patriots in Madtown!!!

With the recent activity with our Nation's Assets Overseas, the Upcoming Elections, and Financial Turmoil almost certain...

We'd like to know how many Like Minded Truth Seekers and Preppers would like to get together in Madtown.
FB Group for WI Preppers:
Wisconsin Preppers United - GREAT People!
  • Closed GroupClosed Group
  • Preparing for disease, disaster, catastrophe or personal hardship is prudent and right. This group is for sharing ideas
    and information on the hows and whys of prepping. Started for Wisconsinites, but open to all who are interested. No (personal) selling or spam. Recommending prepper products is okay. No disrespect of fellow members is allowed. We all agree to disagree. Hard core anti-government or 'revolution' talk isn't allowed. We do not want any undue attention brought to the group. We strongly discourage photos of your weapons and supplies. How-to pics and vids (your own or otherwise) are acceptable and appreciated! *Please watch your keywords! Controversial words should be separated by periods, ie.,, etc...thank you!
I've gone to a Meetup for Madison Preppers.  Great Group, Great Info.

Just wondering who else out there mught be interested in forming a Group or Network locally.

Leave a comment on Madtown Preppers on FB

Time is NOT on our side right now.  Many speak of an Oct Surprise, well it may be earlier.

Stay Alert.  Stay Informed.  Stay Involved.







  1. U-SEEE Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center
    At the University of Minnesota
    Preparedness Training
    We develop, deliver, and evaluate core-competency-based training for the public health workforce and respond to the public health preparedness and response needs of state, local, and tribal public health authorities.
    This is done through the U-SEEE PERL Center at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health.
    • Online training
    • In-person training

    Emergency Preparedness Training (U-SEEE)
    Center Major Project Areas
    Major project areas for the University of Minnesota: Simulations and Exercises for Educational Effectiveness Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning Center are:
    • Develop and deliver core competency-based training for the public health workforce.
    • Modify, develop and deliver state, local and tribal partner requested education and training in Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Dakota. Click here for Training Request Form.
    About Support of the U-SEEE PERL Center
    The U-SEEE PERL Center is supported in part by the Grant Number 1U90TP000418-01 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC). The contents are solely the responsibility of the authors and do not necessarily represent the official views of CDC. U-SEEE PERL Principal Investigator: Debra K. Olson
    About PERL Centers
    The University of Minnesota School of Public Health is one of 14 accredited schools of public health funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) as a Preparedness and Emergency Response Learning (PERL) Center. These Centers provide unique workforce development opportunities for state, local, and tribal public health authorities as part of a national training network. Learn more about the CDC grant and other grantees.

  2. Medical Reserve Corp 2012 Preparedness Summit in WI

    Go to:

    Dates: Friday, October 12th
    Saturday, October 13th

    Waukesha County Technical College (WCTC)
    Pewaukee Campus
    800 Main Street

    Richard T. Anderson Educational Center

    Daily Schedule:
    Registration Opens at 7:15AM
    Keynote Speaker: 8:00-9:00PM
    Breakout Sessions: 9:15AM-12:15AM
    Lunch Included
    Breakout Sessions: 1:00-4:00PM

    Courses offered at this year's MRC Preparedness Summit:
    Integrated Mass Fatality Planning: Roles of Hospitals, Health Departments and Medical Examiners
    Are you Ready to Respond?
    Exposure to Traumatic Events: What You Need to Know to Improve Patient Care
    Planning for Family Reunification
    Decontamination: Why you Need a No Exceptions Policy
    Understanding Emergency Behaviors and CPR Life Survival Techniques
    Crisis Standards of Care
    Changing Landscape of Disaster Response for Medial and Veterinary Professionals
    Community Resiliency and the Volunteer's Role
    Seven Signs of Terrorism & The Changing Face of Terrorism
    How to Disarm Firearms Found at a Disaster Site
    Volunteer Management for Local Governments
    ICS/NIMS for Veterinary Community
    Basic Suturing

  3. Posting this as a matter of interest. The training is in St. Paul, MN.

    We do need to consider pets and all animals in our preparation.

    Protecting Animals in a Disaster Training October 2nd

    This presentation discusses the impact of disaster on animals and pet owners, and suggests planning and response solutions. Attendees will learn the many reasons to include animal disaster services in personal, business, and government plans and actions, as well as the challenges and solutions to help ensure an effective response.

    Invited Attendees: MRC Volunteer Veterinarians, Veterinary Technologist/Technicians and Veterinary Assistants
    Instructor: Karma Kumlin-Diers, Emergency Management Coordinator

    Date: Tuesday, October 2, 2012 Time: 5:30 - 7:30 pm

    Location: Conference Room - First Floor Ramsey County Plato Building 90 West Plato Blvd, Saint Paul, MN (map & photo of bldg. below)
    Register: Email
    Note: Attendance is limited to 60
    CEUs: 2.0 available
