
Monday, August 13, 2012

SHTF Preparedness - Ammo - How much do they need?

OK, More unusual Weapons Procurement schedules, I think Preparedness is catching on it looks like.
2.2 Rounds per Individual Person in the US?  ummmmm.......

TSA, DHS Order 1,400 Pounds of High Powered Explosives Set to Deliver August 31

Anthony Gucciardi
August 27, 2012
tsa 235x147 TSA, DHS Order 1,400 Pounds of High Powered Explosives Set to Deliver August 31Documents reveal that The Department of Homeland Security (DHS) has ordered over 1,400 pounds of super high-powered explosives through the (TSA) Transportation Safety Administration set to be delivered on August 31st. The news comes just after it was reported that the DHS had purchased over 1.2 billion rounds of hollow point bullets and a wide assortment of riot gear. The new explosives purchase, as highlighted by mainstream news service Government Security News, consists of 1,400 pounds worth of high density ammonium nitrate and A-5 Flake RDX explosives.
According to an explosive materials manual, both of these items are considered ‘high powered’ explosives. High density ammonium nitrate in particular is used in certain types of dynamite.
In case you doubt the validity of the mainstream news report, you can actually locate the purchase statements on the official government website. If you prefer to see the purchase statements specifically, you can view them here (link downloads the document to your PC). Here is an excerpt from the purchase order:
“The CES requires the 700 pounds of High Density Ammonium Nitrate and 700 pounds of A-5 Flake RDX to provide Canine Explosive Training Aids (CETAs) to NCP participants. The supplier must be able to meet the exact requirements by August 31st, 2012. Substitutions for this product are not acceptable.”
The recent bulk acquisition of bullets, explosives, and war-ready protective gear has been written off by the mainstream media as nothing more than a bare necessity for training. Of course the amount of hollow point bullets, which happen to be military-grade and in sufficient enough quantity to allocate 4 bullets per American citizen, also happen to be several times the ‘normal’ amount of training-related orders put in by government agencies. The TSA will likely write this purchase off in a similar manner, however it is important to note that this is the same agency that has not only ignored research published as far back as 1998 highlighting the link between their x-ray machines and cancer, but has been caught telling children that sexually groping them is a ‘game’.

Read more:

Looks Like DHS Isn’t the Only Gov’t Agency Stockpiling Ammunition

By James Smith – The “Covert Prepper”
There are two stories that have come to light recently, the first is the awarding of a contract to a munitions manufacturer for 450,000,000 hollow point rounds for the .40 caliber. The second story which I wrote, is how the Department of Homeland Security had already ordered 200,000,000 rounds of .40 caliber, but also ordered 15,000 gun cleaning kits for the .40 caliber weapons, and has put a request out for a virtual shooting gallery for the .40 caliber handguns.
650,000,000 round of ammunition is quite a bit of lead and brass. It will sure to drive the price of copper and brass way up. But Homeland Security is not alone in their requests. The other departments, the ones that handle mundane things like meat quality – believe they need to be armed to the teeth. It’s enough to make a non-paranoid person, well, paranoid.
The US Department of Agriculture put a bid in for a wide variety of ammunition. I guess raiding farms and raw milk dairies can be VERY dangerous work. The required rounds are listed below, and include shotgun slugs.
Frangible rounds – for those who don’t know, are rounds that are designed to break apart when they hit walls or other hard surfaces to prevent ricochets during close-quarters combat.
Added: Sep 28, 2011 5:15 pm
(1) 40 caliber, 180 grain, 120,000 rounds or equivalent,
(2) 9 mm, 124 grain, 50,000 rounds or equivalent,
(3) .38 caliber, 135 grain, 10,000 rounds or equivalent,
(4) .380 caliber, 90 grain, 6,000 rounds or equivalent,
(5) .223 caliber, 64 grain, 87,500 rounds or equivalent,
(6) 12 gauge 00 buck, 15,000 rounds or equivalent,
(7) 40 caliber frangible, 10,000 rounds or equivalent,
(8) 9 caliber frangible, 10,000 rounds or equivalent,
(9) .223 caliber frangible, 10,000 rounds or equivalent,
(10) 12 gauge 1 oz slug, 7,500 rounds or equivalent
The cartridges shall be delivered to Albuquerque, NM.
And the Department of the Interior needs ammunition as well, but much less, and put the order out on September 2011:
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Services require the following items, Exact Match Only, to the following:
1. Remington Frangible .40 Caliber Pistol Ammunition – 2,500 rounds
2. Remington .40 Caliber Pistol Ammunition (180 grain) Full Metal Jacket – 6,000 rounds
3. Remington .223 Caliber Rifle Ammunition (62 grain) Full Metal Jacket – 3,000 rounds
4. Remington FX Marking Cartridges (9 mm) – 2,000 rounds
These requirements seem normal considering the possibility of running into grizzly bears and wolverines. These, to me, are acceptable quantities to order.

And of course the FBI needs about 100,000,000 rounds of .40 caliber ammunition for law enforcement needs. It posted the request November 15, 2011 and the order will be awarded this week. Oddly, it states a fixed price indefinite-delivery indefinite-quantity type contract; however the pricing requirements go up to 100,000,000 rounds.
So with that large order, we now can move the total “excess” number of .40 caliber rounds that is needed by this administration to 750,000,000 rounds.
Because we live in a free society they feel they must be armed against Amish folk who want to sell people raw milk, like most humans on this planet drink. Maybe the USDA needs the ammunition to fight the evil cadre of “Lemonade Stands” that will soon be terrorizing people walking down sidewalks in Suburbia America.
How can a government justify 2.2 rounds per American citizen? Granted, ammunition does have a great shelf life, but this is utterly ridiculous!
The best way to avoid a civil war is not to start one. If “they” are planning to start one, then it would make sense to arm yourself and take away the guns of the citizenry. If this is just for “work”, ie, to stop bad guys, then the numbers just don’t make sense.
As Sherlock Holmes would say, “When you have eliminated the impossible, whatever remains, however improbable, must be the truth”. We are running out of the impossibles and the improbables. The leftovers are unconscionable and frightening. The game is afoot my friends. Evil in the guise of a benevolent government is still evil. Will the characters be unmasked in time for our free country to remain free, or will we be another stiff on the slab of history.


Now, I'm a HUGE fan of backups on top of backups.  That's the way I prep, Planned Fail Backward.

But, the recent increase of sightings/reports on the "people here to help us" acquiring and Stockpiling is unnerving to say the least.  THEY are Preparing, and THEY might have more info than the average Joe.

I know its misspelled, the Truth in this statement is Massive.
I suggest we all do some real inward look of what exactly each of us might need to do when SHTF.
One can also build inventory of Preps, other things.  To me Now is a great time.

AR 1520 "Goodbye Kiss" CME

Stay Vigilant People.

1 comment:

  1. NOAA puts in an Ammo Request, Really?
    Come on guys.
