
Wednesday, August 1, 2012

APN | Family Preparedness - Weekly Newsletter: Power Outages‏

Here's some useful info from APN (American Preppers Network).

Also a Giveaway of $500 of Mountain House Freeze-Dried Food!!!

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As Featured In
Helping Other Help Themselves
July 25, 2012
Dear Madtown Preppers,
in this week's Newsletter we discuss getting ready for a Power Outage and send along a reminder about the $500 Mountain House Giveaway!
We also share some great articles you have have missed out on.
India & Preparing for a Power Outage:

620 Million Indians without power!

For the last two days, up to 620 Million people in India were without power  in what is considered the world's largest blackout in history.  

That's almost twice the population of the United States!

Preparing for a Power Outage

Have you Strategized and Prepared for a Power Outage?

With the Indian Power Outage and the outages this June in The US, it's just really on our minds!  Let's discuss a few things to consider for Bugging In during a sustained blackout.

There are at least two primary scenarios you have to take into consideration: 1)Winter/Cold 2)Summer/Hot

  • Cold
    • One of your biggest issues will be keeping warm! Identify a room in your house that is well insulated to use as a sleeping/living  room for the family.
    •  Be sure you have a way of generating heat!  Here are several ideas/methods.
  • Heat
    • It is possible that it will be cooler outside than inside.  Consider the possibilities and safety of sleeping arrangements for the family in the backyard.
    • You will need to consume substantially more water than normal, consider your water supply compromised or unavailable.  Do you have access to enough water at home?  Do you have a way to make it safe (if it isn't already)
    • Be sure you know how to recognize the signs and symptoms of Heat Exhaustion!
Other issues to consider with Power Outages:
  1. Lighting will be a major issue.  Consider your flashlights and lanters - and their power supplies!
  2. Consider a gas or solar generator for your home
  3. This assumes that you are a Prepper and you already have a well thought out supply of food/water/ and every needful thing
  4. In a sustained blackout scenario you will need to manage your food properly.  If the food in your fridge/freezer gets higher that 40 degrees you may need to throw it out.  
  5. Consider having a Carbon Monoxide Detector in your home and locate it where you're sheltering.  It will provide you safety and security knowing that your air is still good.
  6. Have a radio of some sort so you're able to stay up on what's going on.
  7. You'll lose the internet and being able to run a desktop, but with a tether able cell phone you'll be able to provide your own internet - just make sure you can charge up your phones! 
When this happens, you will probably want to have your Bug Out Bag, Vehicle Kits (for 12 volt charging options) and your medical and other kits with you.

This isn't meant to be comprehensive, just to get you thinking and reviewing.  Hopefully we got your brain churning!

Here are some other resources for Power Outage Preps:

Recently On The APN:

$500.00 Mountain House Giveaway!

Red Flare Logo
$500 Mountain House Giveaway is Almost Over - Sign-Up Today!

Ever since we got into the prepping business, friends and customers have been asking us the same question: "What can I do to prepare my family for an emergency?"

Times change, but our answer remains the same:

1. Learn which natural and man-made disasters can occur in your area.
2. Think it through step-by-step and do your homework.
3. Finally (most importantly!), put your plan into action and prepare!

Let's use food as an example. Several recent local disasters demonstrated that during a major emergency, stores and warehouses run out of food and water within hours, with new deliveries delayed for days, if not weeks.

You can see where we are going with this: Sufficient stocks of nutritious, light-weight, non-perishable, easy-to-cook food can save you a world of grief! We recommend having at least 2-4 weeks of non-perishable food for each member of your group. More, is of course better!

At Red Flare, we make it a priority to provide our customers with high-quality, affordable emergency supplies. To get you started on the road of being prepared, we are giving away over $500 worth of Mountain House #10 Cans of light-weight, shelf-stable, delicious freeze-dried meals!

If you have not signed up for this FREE giveaway yet - what are you waiting for? 
Please sign up for the Giveaway here:

The winner will be announced on August 8th, 2012.

Writing for The APN:

  • Would you like to sharpen your Writing Skills?
  • Are you interested in helping others learn?
  • Do you regularly do Preparedness oriented projects?
  • Would you like to start building your name in the Preparedness Industry?
If you said yes to any of the above, keep on reading!

We're always looking for enthusiastic writers!  We have a couple different available:
  1. Guest Author: Send us an article every once in a while, you get full credit in your article.
  2. Disaster Experiences: Submit a story for our Disaster Collection!  Extremely similar to the Guest Author program, just with a focus.
  3. Contributing Author: Our Contributing Authors have a permanent spot on the website.  Each of their articles uniquely identifies them They commit to 2 articles per week and get to join the whole authoring team in our back channel community!      
If you want to give it a shot, click on the links above!  To apply to be a Contributing Author you will need to submit your first trial article as a Guest Author. 
Recently On The APN:

Principles of Prepaaredness

There are basic principles that keep us and our families grounded that are key to our happiness as a family unit.  This is an APN Guiding Document.

For many people today, it is not as much for survival as it is a novelty.  Many people can because they enjoy the task.

Barbara Salsbury Joins our Expert Panel!
It seems that with suggestions of panic, rationing, food shortages, intermingling with war, politics, etc. resounding through news, the interest in being prepared is once again on the rise.
In Case You Missed It

Chicago, The Deadliest Global City

Among what are considered Alpha world cities, Chicago has the highest murder rate -- higher even than the Third World metropolises.  

In the last year, the Rate of Killings in Chicago has gone up 38 Percent!
Singapore 0.4 
Tokyo   0.5 
Hong Kong 0.6 
Berlin     1 
Sydney    1 
London 1.4 
Toronto  1.7 
Amsterdam 1.8 
Paris       4.4 
New York 6 
Los Angeles 7.5 
Mexico City
Moscow 9.6 
Sao Paolo 15.6 
Chicago 19.4
 It bears mentioning that Chicago also has some of the strictest Gun Control laws in The US and as of today, the Governor wants to add more! It doesn't really seem like something we would want to duplicate in other Cities!

In This Issue
Power Outage!
$500 Giveaway!
Principle of Preparedness
Intro to Canning
Barbara Salsbury
Chicago, Murder Capitol
The Network

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Thanks for being a Member of The APN!  We hope you have a fantastic week!

The APN Staff

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