
Monday, June 25, 2012

Ruger 10/22 Zombie Rifle Contest Giveaway! - Final Days

Ruger 10/22 Zombie Rifle Contest Give away!!!!!!

Ran across this pic of a Ruger 10/22 Mod that's looks pretty cool.

- via Low Tech Prep Security Consulting (formerly Low Tech Prep Micro Farm):

Hit the "Share" button on this link and add LTPSC as "like" and you'll be entered into the drawing to win this Zombie Ghetto Blaster 10/22 . 

I was going to auction off this gun but I decided to use it as tool to get more viewership on my page. After I draw the random winner you must pass the background check and fill out the legal paperwork and this sweet little rifle is yours. Post and Share this link on as many pages as you can and raise your odds of winning. Thanks for the support , God Bless

Nice Gun. Good Luck!

Photo: Ruger 10/22 Zombie Rifle Contest Give away!!!!!! 
Hit the "Share" button on this link and add LTPSC as "like" and you'll be entered into the drawing to win this Zombie Ghetto Blaster 10/22 . I was going to auction off this gun but I decided to use it as tool to get more viewership on my page. After I draw the random winner you must pass the background check and fill out the legal paperwork and this sweet little rifle is yours. Post and Share this link on as many pages as you can and raise your odds of winning. Thanks for the support , God Bless
Zombie Ghetto Blaster 10/22

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